Efficient, Fixed Fee Recruitment

Stop Paying Recruitment Agency Fees Today & Hire Your Next Superstar For Just £1195 + VAT!

Experience the future of recruitment with MaxAd

MaxAd offers a refreshing 1 stop shop to help you solve your recruitment challenges. Our services can be managed directly by yourself in-house, OR we can provide a managed service if you’re pushed for time and need support!

Choose from one flat fee, payment on success or a perfect blend of both!

Launched in 2010 and loved by 700+ companies, our rigorous Managed Service helps our clients fill 9 out of 10 vacancies in most sectors for just 1/6th of the cost of using an agency. Let us do the hard work and present you with “interview ready” job seekers, fully screened!


Interview Rate

££ Average Saving

Hours Saved


Repeat Clients

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Inhouse + Managed Solutions

MaxAd offers a refreshing 1 stop shop to help you solve your recruitment challenges.

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The Best Advertising Coverage

We make sure that your role has the best chance of success by hand picking the best performing job boards.

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Job Vacancies

MaxAd are here to support you at every step in finding the next role in your career.

Find out how much you could save
when partnering with MaxAd Recruitment

Advert Copywriting + Premium Job Board Advertising + Applicant Screening + CV Database Searching